The coolest people seem to hang out in the smoking section
I'm not a smoker. I've never even tried a cigarette. Ever.
I've been hanging out in the smoking sections because some of my people on cruises are smokers (or vapers).
One thing I've noticed is smokers tend to be more chilled out and laid back than most other people.
Why is that? Is it just that taking 5-10 minutes to pause and think makes you see life differently?
It certainly seems to make them more sociable.
I am socially awkward. I'm not afraid of crowds or people, but I hate small talk.
My idea of a nightmare is standing around at a business mixer where everyone is talking about the weather or college football.
Smokers don't seem to have a problem discussing deep topics a minute after you've met them.
They observe a lot.
They listen a lot more.
They DGAF.
Some of them are funny as hell.
Last cruise I was on, we met Joyce. Joyce was a large, older black lady; she had a shaved head and wore a skintight dress around her ample, ample curves. Joyce was loud and opinionated.
My daughter Audrey and she took to liking each other and hanging out, so I got to hear some of her stories.
Turns out, Joyce was on the show "Divorce Court." Her stories were hilarious.
I'd rather sit and listen to someone like Joyce (and be slightly bothered by the smoke) than anyone on the Lido deck full of "Cruise Karens."
When I used to work at other jobs I used to complain:
Smokers have more free time
The truth is that they do-but because they take the time!
If you need 5 minutes to take a breath , take it! Give yourself a break every now and then and learn to observe and listen to people.
You may actually listen to someone having an opinion different than yours.
I’m heading out to the smoking section now-if I hear some cool stories, I’ll keep you posted.
I dunno about cigarette smokers; I have a strong aversion to cigarette smoke due to bronchial asthma. However, I’ve found that pipe smokers are a fascinating lot. Generally affable, if not gregarious, literate, well-read, often highly articulate, possessing unusual skills, and frequently very funny. I hang out on a pipe smokers forum from time to time, and have met some of them in person. I actually enjoy the aroma of pipe smoke. For some reason, it doesn’t irritate my airway or negatively affect my breathing. Pipe smokers have told me that it’s because there are no chemicals in pipe tobacco, so maybe that’s why. I expect that there’s some truth in what you say about smokers taking the time to just chill. In the pipe smokers I’ve observed, it’s something akin to a meditative practice.