Sir Richard Branson’s 4 Major Points
At the Ultimate Success Summit held last year in Sydney, Australia, Sir Richard Branson was asked “What was the best advice ever given to you?”
These were his 4 major points:
Don’t criticize: My parents always sent me to the bathroom and made me look at myself in the mirror for 10 minutes. They did this to teach me that when I criticized someone, I was only criticizing myself.
Lavish praise on people and LOTS of it.
Anybody can buy a plane (there was great laughter at this) or a business, but it’s the people in it that make the success. Customers will be happy and come back to you again and again. Keep them (your team) by referring to point number 2!
Always look for the best in people.
In your practice and your life, are you following these 4 points?
Do you create a culture that Sir Richard Branson talks of?
So simple, yet so very powerful.
From Powerful Practices