Benefits of Getting The Flu Part 1
(Koren Publications’ forthcoming Myth-Busting Swine Flu Report written by Tedd Koren DC,will discuss more swine flu issues. See here for other vaccination learning materials and here for brochures.)
No one wants to get “sick”. Who needs a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, aches, pains, malaise? Well, we may need it if we are to be healthy. Does this make sense to you? Read on.
For thousands of years mankind has survived in harmony with the cycles of sickness and health by understanding that acute illness often serves a purpose and that by suppressing symptoms with fever reducers and other drugs and chemicals we could be interfering with healing.
The Hygienic school of health has traditionally seen acute illness as part of a cleansing process. When managed properly acute illnesses leave a cleaner, stronger and healthier person in their wake.
Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine” understood the importance of permitting the body to express symptoms:
Diseases are crises of purification, of toxic elimination. Symptoms are the natural defenses of the body. We call them diseases, but in fact they are the cure of diseases.”
The famous medical historian Harris Coulter Ph.D. after studying thousands of years of medical therapeutics said:
Contracting and overcoming childhood diseases are part of a developmental process that actually helps develop a healthy, robust, adult immune system able to meet the challenges that inevitable encounters with viruses and bacteria will present later on. Coulter HL. Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain. Washington, DC: Center for Empirical Medicine. 1990.
Acute illness protects against cancer
The benefits of permitting the body to go through a healing crisis without interruption was dramatically revealed when it was found that children that were permitted to have acute febrile infectious childhood diseases had less cancer as adults.
This study investigates the hypothesis that febrile infectious childhood diseases (FICDs) are associated with a lower cancer risk in adulthood…. The study consistently revealed a lower cancer risk for patients with a history of FICD. Albonico HU, Braker HU, Husler J. Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls. Medical Hypotheses. 1998;51(4):315-320.
Check back tomorrow for part 2 of why it’s to your advantage to get colds and flu.